Wellness Programme


Ready To Transform?

Time to make yourself Job 1 and prioritise your health to become the healthier, happier and fulfilling you!

Join The Fit For Purpose Wellness Programme TODAY!

Our Programme Is Built on 5 Pillars of G.R.A.C.E

God first





1-2-1 Weekly Online Coaching Calls

Our private coaching calls will help us delve a bit deeper and focus on specific areas of struggles and together come up with solutions that will move things forward for you. It will help you gain clarity on things that matter most to you and breakthrough any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.

Customised Training Programmes

Your fit for purpose wellness programme is personalised to meet your need wherever you your fitness level is currently. It is tailored to YOUR goals. The awesome news, you can access your workouts anywhere you are in the world! Our programmes are designed to make it easy for women with busy lifestyles.

Customised Nutrition Programmes

Nutrition is 80% of the success story of your wellness journey. Get that right and you are more than 50% ahead of reaching your goals! Here, at The Fit for Purpose Woman we don’t believe in restrictive dieting. You will learn how eat right without compromising on taste or abundance. You will have access to delicious recipes as well as enjoy all your favourite foods. You will have access to ingredient list, so you will know exactly what to get at the supermarket. We are here every step of the way to make the journey enjoyable and stress-free!

Community Group Support!

Two are better than one! This is certainly true for your wellness journey. We are very intentional about cultivating the right environment and proving the right environment to help you see maximum success in your journey. Our WhatsApp Support Group and Zoom sessions will provide you that extra accountability to achieve your goals. You form amazing connections with other beautiful who are there to encourage and cheer you on.

Take control of your wellness journey today by joining the Fit for Purpose Wellness Programme!

With personalised coaching, tailored fitness and nutrition plans, and a supportive community, we’ll help you reach your health goals and become the best version of yourself—inside and out.


See Reviews From Our Clients

Our clients love us because of the results we help them achieve.


In the past I have always struggled to stay consistent with my healthy lifestyle journey. I love the structure this Program provides and the support from the Accountability Group is amazing! Even on bad days I feel motivated to push through because everyone is so supportive. My daughter tells me often how proud she is of me since I started this journey!

Funmi O.

I wanted a Coach who had been where I was right now, and knew how to guide me to where I wanted to be. Dr Olivia was just the Coach I needed. She has not only helped me transform my wellness but her holistic approach has also helped me deepen my faith in God on this transformative journey.

Ethelisa S.
Towards the end of 2022, I was in a  bad place in my health. I was taking multiple medications for my Blood Presure and Thyroid Disorder. I was so unfit physically could barely climb a flight of stairs and my weight had skyrocketed. Since working with Dr Olivia, I have had a complete 360 turn around in my health. I am now off all my pills for more than a year. I feel more confidenta and have gained so much strength physically and mentally. I have learn so much about myself on this journey. I can’t thank Dr Olivia enough for her help.
Nike O.